A Northern Soul - customer feedback

2003 was the first year of A Northern Soul and we were delighted by how much this more unusual tour was enjoyed by all. All the customers but one had travelled with us in previous years and we see this as a great tour for second time visitors. Below you will find the feedback from our 'first timer'.

'I highly recommend “A Northern Soul” tour for both first time and repeat travelers to Japan!

Our journey followed in Basho’s footsteps along the “Narrow Road to the Deep North” and included many of the places that inspired his 17th century narrative and haiku. Luckily for my fellow travelers and I, we didn’t need straw sandals and oiled-leaf rain capes as part of our equipment!

InsideJapan Tours’ pace and flexibility contributed immeasurably to the enjoyment of this trip. I never felt rushed, despite the many places we visited and activities we enjoyed. There were chances to explore, observe, and experience a less hurried, less crowded part of Japan. Thanks to arrangements our tour buddy helped us make, members of the group were able to branch out and pursue their own hobbies and interests when opportunities came up.

I can’t say enough for the thoughtfulness and skill of InsideJapan Tours staff. On my recent trip all of the other participants were repeat travelers with this company. The reasons why became apparent as soon as we began!

Ann, ANS 2003