Geisha dances, closeup Kyoto temple garden

Tailored Trips - A Japan Dream

Ancient mountain top temples; beautiful shrines and gardens; dramatic volcanic landscapes; national parks of outstanding natural beauty; wild bears and monkeys; massive neon-lit cities buzzing with energy; bubbling hot spring baths; soaring mountain peaks; and of course, fantastic food.

Japan has something for everyone, whatever their interests. Working closely with you we will help make your dream Japan holiday become a reality. We can cater for almost any budget, from backpack to the heights of five-star luxury and for a wide range of special interests. Our services cover the whole country so if it’s the wilds of the North, or perhaps the tropical paradise of the Okinawan islands that most appeal to you, no problem.

Check out the links on the left for a few of our ideas for unique Japan vacations

Accommodation in Japan

One of the great things about travelling to Japan is the wide rage of different types of accommodation available. As you'd expect, there are the usual international 5 star hotels in the big cities. However, Western style hotels in Japan range from affordable and simple 'Business Hotels' right through to luxurious establishments such as the Imperial in Tokyo that bring Japanese style and service to their guests.

A trip to Japan is not really complete, however, without sampling traditional style lodgings. These are unique and even if you are on a tight budget this need be no problem with simple traditional 'Minshuku' (people's inns) being very affordably priced. However, if you have the money available a stay in a top class 'Ryokan' is a must - service and quality of a uniquely high standard.

Click HERE for more information on the types of accommodation available in Japan

Transport in Japan

The best way to get around Japan is to make use of the public transport system unrivalled anywhere else in the World. The 'Bullet' train, Shinkansen in Japanese, is a true symbol of modern Japan, whisking travellers across the country at speeds of up to 190 mph. However, in addition to this the rest of the rail, coach, ferry and air network is a marvel and makes travelling a pleasure.

All our tailored packages make extensive use of the public transport system making sure not only that your trip goes as smoothly as possible but also giving you the chance to experience Japan as the Japanese do.

Click HERE for more detailed information on transport in Japan.

Special interest activities

Many of our customers visit Japan because of a special interest they have in an element of Japanese culture. So whether your passion is for Ikebana, ceramics, Sumo wrestling or baseball just let us know and we will be able to help you have the experience you are looking for.

For more details on our special interest services click HERE.


Japanese ryokan room
The 'Shinkansen'
'Ikebana' - Japanese flower arranging