Special Interest Activites

If you have a special hobby or interest we can assist you with opportunities to enjoy this whilst in Japan. Also, if there are any Japanese experiences you are keen to have that may need arranging in advance then please let us know. Please do keep in mind that these experiences do not come for free and that there will be charges applicable which you can either settle in advance or pay on the day.

Below you will find some examples of the kinds of activities and experiences we can help you to enjoy. For more information please contact us and we’ll be more than happy to fill in some of the details.


Ikebana is the Japanese art of flower arranging and is over recent years has increasingly gained in popularity in the west. If you would like to spend an afternoon doing Ikebana we can set this up for you in both Kyoto and in Tokyo. You’ll receive expert guidance with all materials included and at the end of the session you get to take your work home. Of course, being on holiday you may have to donate your creation to the hotel or inn where you are staying!

Ceramics classes Geisha Experiences


Japan is well known for its fine ceramic work. If you have an interest in taking a pottery class we can arrange this for you at several different locations throughout Japan. One of the main ceramic centres is at Mashiko, a town two hours to the north of Tokyo and famed for its ceramic wares. Classes are generally available for half or full days and you will receive expert guidance. Unfortunately, this will usually be in Japanese only but we are sure this will not hinder your enjoyment. Your finished work will be fired and we can arrange for it to be mailed to our Japan from where we can make arrangements for it to be forwarded on to you.

Kimono Wearing

For many the Kimono is the most potent symbol of ordinary Japanese life. Before the WW2 kimonos were the every day wear of most Japanese women. These days they are reserved more for special occasions although you will see some older ladies out and about doing there daily shopping in full kimono wear! If you fancy trying a kimono and getting some pictures of you fully dressed in this most Japanese of styles then we can arrange this for you in Kyoto. And for the guys there are opportunities to dress in full samurai garb! Just let us know if this tickles your fancy and we’ll make the arrangements for you.

Geisha Experiences

For many a trip to Japan will simply not be complete without catching a glimpse of a Geisha, Japan’s famed professional hostesses. Geisha inhabit a mysterious and closed world that is almost completely inaccessible to outsiders. However, our partner in Kyoto, Peter Macintosh, has lived and worked in the world of Geisha for nearly ten years and can offer you some unique experiences that are quite simply unavailable anywhere else. Peter can take you on a walking tour of the Geisha districts of Kyoto and will enable you to catch a glimpse of Geisha as they prepare for their evening appointments. If you would like a more intimate experience then Peter can also arrange drinks and a light meal with a Maiko (apprentice Geisha). He will provide full translation to enable to really enjoy this unique opportunity. If you are travelling in a larger group then party with Geisha entertainment is the ultimate Japanese experience.

Tea Ceremony

If you would like to experience and learn about this most Japanese of ceremonies then please let us know. Tea Ceremony is available in Kyoto and in Tokyo so just let us know if your trip to Japan will not be complete without this and we’ll let you know the options.

Cookery Classes

Japanese cuisine has shot to prominence over the past ten years with Japanese restaurants springing up in cities across the UK, the USA and many other western countries. If you would like to learn more about preparing this healthy and exquisitely presented food then we can assist you with arranging cookery classes and longer courses. This can take some time to set up so if possible please give us plenty of advance notice if you would like to do this.